Saturday, August 22, 2009

One leaf knowing

One leaf knowing
it starts
at the crown
with only
one leaf

soon the shoulders
catch on
and the whole
of rings
in quiet ecstasy

Black Bark
a nomadic kiss
makes waves
of consonants
and sets
black bark
to chattering

I am a spotted fawn
whose folded legs
fall into

I am a turkey
drunk with rain
crossing the road
with lips parted.


the walking man said...

Rain is good when expressed from this sky.

SandyCarlson said...

These are marvelous. The image of the deer struck me especially. These animals are like sacred whispers. They always stop me in my tracks and remind me to breathe. Thanks for these.

Cloudia said...

Lovely and rich!

I loved this walk. . . .


Comfort Spiral

sarah said...

These are really wonderful! :-)

Anonymous said...

Gabrielle, I am in love with Black Bark... I am that deer...

Or perhaps you can hear my "gobble, gobble"?

How divinely divine, how holy your words...

Thank you for this gift!

zoya gautam said...

.. too good ..

Jeeves said...

Enjoyed this one

S.L. Corsua said...

Reading this uplifts my mood so effectively, making me feel good about the world we live in (which at times I feel I'm 'stuck', 'cramped' in). It's a grander world, after all, than a mere pair of eyes can take in. ;) And that turkey has fully charmed me (I'm off to follow his example).
