Thank you to Tea leaves ‘n Honey for the suggestion of conquer. It is a word that has many connotations. I have responded to one that called to me and am curious to discover yours.
Green Rain
the final rapping
on the pane
is never as bad
as what we hide
inside green rain
on tears
and more
beautiful...I especially liked" what we hide inside..."- so true. I wish you peace and comfort for whatever is going on... Take care~
thought provoking.......thanks!
These words go deep...so few words, but there's a lot of meaning behind them. Beautiful! I'm sending prayers for whatever crisis your family is dealing with, and hope that things are getting better.
Short yet very effective..
what has time got to do with blood?
We hide so much inside. Great words.
that is so sweet and relatable..
hugs and love
never as bad, this is a good thing to consider. profound.
The world sometimes cries with us. It is a comfort to see this through the pane.
It soundes as if I heard pain behind your pane.
Well wishes to you and yours.
so evocative and lovely ... kept me thinking. merci.
What a great poem! I agree — it's quite thought provoking!
Provocative and lovely - excellent read.
Hidden tears never water the garden of resolve.
Hi Gabrielle, this is a sad poem. Sad in that death can be better than life. But also happy in that there is an escape from soooooo much!
I am ready to escape whenever, I have done everything I need or want to do.
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