Saturday, November 28, 2009



a folded atlas
a peregrine gaze
they are coming from summer
and traveling to summer
press dreams
like flowers
they shoulder
into distances
powered by the fat back
of summer


Anonymous said...

very nice one..

great prompt too...very creative..

Jim said...

Gabrielle, I am guessing that these are visiting relatives. Mrs. Jim and I do that sometimes, two times to very, very distance cousins in France.

Thank you for the nice prompt, it was fun to work with.

Rinkly Rimes said...

' A peregrine gaze'..... sometimes one can know words are just right while not entirely understanding them. That's art.

Anonymous said...

"they are coming from summer
and traveling to summer"
I think that said it all! :) Wish we could migrate this way, too! There's a lovely feel to your poem, which is, unsurprisingly, reminiscent of the warm and cosy summer months!

anthonynorth said...

Beautiful words on migration.

Maggie said...

I love the lines "powered by the fat back...of summer.
The whole poem was a treat to read.

the walking man said...

I could migrate but my back is to fat for my wings.

SandyCarlson said...

That power is not to be underestimated!

Sherri B. said...

I loved the words you used in this was very visual, and I enjoyed the imagery it conveyed.

Loch Rob said...

Thank you for sharing a great prompt with us this week. I liked your poem very much. Storing up energy for that long migration. Sounds like the holidays for us too.

Amias (ljm and liquidplastic) said...

Oh I love ..

"press dreams
like flowers"

.. what a unique line ... human like birds migrate from summer to summer ... trying to escape the cold winter months. I enjoyed this!

JP/deb said...

powered by the fat back of summer

I love this!


Jukota said...

my favorite line is "the fat back of summer." Just great!

PS the Pratsie said...

lovely lines !!

Anonymous said...

Echoing Amias, I looove the notion of pressing dreams like flowers. Excellently done!

Tumblewords: said...

A lovely piece - full of ripe imagery and perfect words.

Anonymous said...

I like the coming and going to summer lines. Guess I never thought of it that way.

Irene said...

I like 'the fat back of summer' and you have written about birds' migration succinctly.

Pam said...

I really like this poem of yours. The "fat back of summer" what a fascinating phrase.

zoya gautam said...

.. thank u for a beautiful poem ..

Patti said...

beautiful~ love the phrase:
"press dreams
like flowers" ...wish we could... great prompt too~

Cloudia said...

Thank you for your visit to my Hawaii blog. When will we see a new post from YOU, Dear?

Aloha, Friend!

Comfort Spiral

Oso said...

Lovely poem,thank you.
I just dropped by because I read your comments on Tomcat's Politics Plus and wanted to say yes,I agree with them and you had some good info which I didn't know.

Maithri said...

Your words fill me up,
What nourishment you give...

Much love, M

Anonymous said...

hmmm thrs nothing like whaz inbetween the pages....bringin it to life...

Carlos Gesmundo said...

I will start to "press dreams/like flowers". Of course, only the good ones. Thanks, Gabrielle.

Jeeves said...

Very nice one. Summery feel is so nice

Natalie said...

I love this! I wish I could be coming from summer and headed to summer...

Tammie Lee said...

hi Gabrielle,
your words took me to another land, they hold the spirit of: migrate.

Cynthia Pittmann said...

Love the line "press dreams/like flowers"...goodbye to summer! Only here in PR it's not gone...thanks for coming over to read my Oasis blog and for leaving such a lovely comment. Why don't we follow each other? I also teach ESL (and first year college English). Take care and nice to meet you, Gabirelle.

Sandra.if said...

"the fat back of summer"...I like that..:)