Thanks to Nathalie of Spaced Law for this week's prompt, shift in time.
thrice built
beneath the weight
of the living
bulky tourists
exact one more stamp
proof positive
here was maize
daily ground,
rattles shook
at a darkened sky
daughters summered
in cool grottos
fools stuttered riddles
clear as day
royalty strode across
quarried stone
This fugitive hour
I visit the ruins of your hair,
the child in your brow
I roam where your dreams are pastured
fingers spread wide
for night to pour through
how many cities
am I standing on?
"I roam where your dreams are pastured."
Oh Yeah!
Aloha, Blog Friend!
Comfort Spiral
Oh. I remember Uxmal and the extraordinarily strong spirits that clung, yet, to the stones and air. You've written it perfectly!
I stand on all the cities of the world and tread lightly amidst the stars.
What a lovely image. Hold on tight to it. Well done.
love, Melanie
very nicely done!
you are perfect as always...
nice words and insight!
This is absolutely wonderful. What a place that must be.
Very nice, Gabrielle. I always try to think of how those ancient people lived and used what we stand on.
Next, though, I am concerned that before long the wear will take it's toll and stones will be worn away. Already they have deep scarring.
You have captured the sadness I feel when standing on history! This is so lovely and sad. Thank you.
meeyauw: Shift in Time
Thank You for making me aware of Uxmal...its so beautiful. You have captured the essence n soul of it as of today beyond words.
wonderfully profound take on this prompt- loved it!
your words got a tangible sigh out of me
I feel as though I went back in time to meet the people who once were.
Fabulous! So many awesome lines here... Especially love,
"fingers spread wide
for night to pour through"
This so powerfully spoke to me...
Love it!
What a lyrical ode to an ancient civilisation Gabrielle.
...as many cities as conquering hordes had caused to be left in ruins -- for gold.
mystical ..
This whole stanza:
This fugitive hour
I visit the ruins of your hair,
the child in your brow
I roam where your dreams are pastured
fingers spread wide
for night to pour through
is absolutely exquisite! love your use of language and imagery.
Gosh!! thsi was such a beauty ...
Exquisite! It is all exquisite, but just want to swallow the last 8 lines whole. They are magnificent.
Dear Gabrielle--
I get this vertigo a lot--
How many shoulders do we stand on?
Ancestral energy rising through us.
Really wonderful poem--thank you.
Should have commented earlier, this is downright magical. Every line sings, but as it approaches the end, it just gets better and better until the riddle of the last two lines... ends on a high note and just keeps soaring upward. Awesome. ^___^
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