Thanks for the prompt of Assimilation from Rooted. Please visit One Single Impression for all the singular impressions.
The image of folding egg whites came to me as a memory. My mother loved to bake. I would watch as she ritualistically blended the ingredients together. The purpose of folding the frothy egg whites into the sturdy batter is to retain the air you have beaten into the egg whites. This makes your recipe light and fluffy.
My dad was given a new name when he crossed the border. He was thrilled. He wanted desperately to blend in. He never did. What he kept was beautiful.

Select very fresh eggs
let them rest
at room temperature
Make sure your bowl
is clean and dry
Separate the yolk
do not discard
as you can use
for mayonnaise
or custard at a later time
be sure not
to allow any yellow flecks
or shell pieces
to infiltrate
this takes practice
in Julia’s kitchen
the very best chefs
can strain
the white
their fingers!
beat the whites
until they form
soft peaks
one third of the
whipped egg white
into the prepared batter
and mix it in
this will make it easier
for the rest
of the egg whites
to be absorbed
to always fold the lighter ingredient
into the heavier ingredient.)
tilt the bowl
toward you
using a spatula
or flat wooden spoon
gently turn half the mixture
over onto the other half
continue to do this
until the whites are incorporated
into the batter
Very charming poetry.. I specially liked the build up to the poem!
What an interesting parallel between egg whites and your dad trying to assimilate!
Cleverly done. Light with a general mixing of some deep thought.
I don't know how this relates to Dancing Days by Led Zeppelin but it sure reads well to Jon Bonhams drumming.
Wow! It just goes to show how a talented writer can turn the most common of everyday things into beautiful verse that is layered with meaning.
You've made assimilation into a good word for me, ever so briefly. If only you could be a constant reminder of the positive sides of perception for me. Alas I only feel the negatives as I sit alone.
Working with egg whites IS like living or writing poetry even. Very lovely.
If humans could do the same thing...
Why thank you for this wonderful guidance, as well as sharing a bit of your history!
Fascinating! What a great metaphor. I am contemplating folding the light into the heavy ingredients.
This was very clever...and your comment about your father was so poignant.
This is a wonderfully sensuous poem-- I could taste the lines.
Like it very much. It kind of speaks to me..
stolen from the air
Tasty bit of poetry with helpful hints for life.
Your poem made me smile as I recalled the care my mom used in blending her ingredients in baking wonderful treats.
I do remember this happening often in my younger days and still find it fascinating...Nice work!
Hi Gabrielle, this is good considering that you would have us compare the blending of egg white to the assimilation of your dad.
Appropriate also is Father's day week. You make me wonder who gave him the his name?
My greatgrandfather changed our family name after having to fend off biased groups with his shotgun. I don't know how he did it, but my grandfather blended in very nicely.
You know, part of it is the part of the country one comes to. No matter if it is nationality, race, employment, or ??? And I can't always figure a reason for it. I won't elaborate except to say that when I lived in El Paso I was amazed of how nicely 'everyone' lived together, it was all very mixed up and well assimilated.
On the comment posting page I clicked "Show Original Post" because from the other's comments I thought there may have been something hidden here.
You might want to see what it looks like. :-)
I have a daughter-in-law from Venezuela and a son-in-law from Trinidad. They have assimilated to some extent although not to my expectations and hopes.
Nice poetry....
.. creative and interesting ..
What a wonderfully written metaphor of assimilation! I loved the explanation, your thoughts on your father, and the picture is gorgeous~
I like the idea of using a recipe to illustrate assimilation.
Nice poem.
This topic brought up old memories and mixed emotions. Never cared for angels food cake, fluffy and bland. And oh the eggs suffer.
Many thanks to everyone for visiting and leaving your impressions. I've so enjoyed assimilating your poems.
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